Now I feel amazing, better than I’ve ever felt in years
Immortality is a powerful game changer! Immediately after starting the drops, I felt so open and available to people, instead of being a recluse and working constantly. There was a want and need to be more open with my emotions. Usually, I am behind my laptop constantly creating and working, always too busy to do for myself meaning sitting and having coffee with a friend without a time limit.
I started to take time to do what I wanted, meaning engaging with attending other people's courses instead of holding my own. Always space holding and rarely allowing others to hold space for me. I also felt a huge unplugging from time. My ‘thinking’ started to change. I really started to embody the belief that time is infinite, cause it is! So if time is infinite there is no failure, right? We always equate our successes by how long they took or by what age we made it…..whatever that means. So you unplug from time and then there is an instant flow of possibilities and then you are more willing and open to aligning with that flow, no fear of failure, no fear of time. Quite a powerful concept. This shift alone will change EVERYTHING for you!
Physically I no longer tire. I am a spiritual entrepreneur so I am always creating, always working with energy which sometimes it’s exhausting but now I’m alive at 530am and ready for the world! And no longer fall into bed at 8 pm! I am only in the early stages of Immortality, all this that I share with you has happened in the space of a month. This is just the beginning!!!
Immortality will transmute those calcified parts of self that need a bigger push, so yes there is a purge that one needs to move through. It’s Divine balance. No different to any kind of detox, flush the toxins and then reap the benefits. What you must always remember when working with the drops is that if you do experience physical/emotional disturbances, this is something that is leaving you, not something that is happening to you. I have recently moved through some density, the release of old modes of thinking and programming. Now I feel amazing, better than I’ve ever felt in years, and FYI most of the time I feel good! So take these drops and enjoy the gift of Immortality! Love it !
Liberation The Remedy
Marie Coveley –