Immortality And Your Karmic Debt To Yourself

Immortality is literally paying your karmic debt to yourself by going back to a lot of the old physical, emotional and mental damage you have inflicted on yourself directly or indirectly.

People often talk of karma as something that will happen to you as a result of your dealingswith others, and this is true, but we can frame this in a somewhat different way when looking at the physical and emotional audit that happens during theImmortality process.

In the beginning stages of taking it, sometimes old pain arises in the body, as the body starts clearing the memory of aches, pains and injuries.We get to feel them one more time to remember what we did to get them in the first place. 

This has two functions, firstly to remind us of what we did, to hopefully guide us into saner action in the future, and secondly, to physically clear the cell’s memory of the injury which is held in different locations in the body. 

To break down exactly what is happening here is impossible as we are dealing with the body’s own intelligence and its ability to regenerate.   The former we know to some extent but regeneration we only know from wound healing and accident recovery, nowhere near the scale of what is happening when we take Immortality. 

We can however observe what is going on and come to some conclusions about what will be dealt with first.  Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy said that cure is governed by three vectors.  These are not in any particular order and often happen simultaneously.Imagine 3 axes, x y and z that interweave with each other according to the body’s own hierarchy of importance. 

  1. Healing will proceed from most important organ to least important organ.   So, for the body this will be the mind first, then heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, reproductive system, bones, joints then skin last. People often debate the importance ranking of this order but what would you rather have, insanity or a rash?
  2. From most recent to least recent. So, the stuff that has occurred the most recently will be dealt with before stuff from longer ago. We see this in the roll back of the physical symptoms most acutely in the immortality process. An example of this is that a bald spot on top of my head which happened more recently than the thinning at the sides is beginning to regrow before the older thinning on the sides.
  3. Healing occurs from the top down, so the skin on the face will get softer first and the skin on the feet will be last.  I have personally watched this in myself as the process proceeds down my body as the weeks pass, and now after a month what started as healthier and softer skin on my face is now at my calves.

So how these three axes intersect and which the body prioritises first is hard to anticipate but I have definitely seen this pattern occurring and that is why people’s mental space is often one of the first things to shift in the Immortality process, people all of a sudden become cheerful, playful and hopeful.   

We must remember with this process that there is no way around the stuffthat comes up unless it is to soften its effects,although we still need to go through the recall of it all.

This is the price of immortality you have to pay to yourself. In a nutshell, this is what is being asked of you for eternal life. But even this price is ridiculously cheap as a payment to self.

To go through some discomfort to return to childhood energy, cellular integrity and enthusiasm is actually trifle.  One month of joy and discomfort, to return you to a space you were twenty years ago is so minor a price to be paid, and a lot of it is just plain fun,new discovery and excitement.

People who have cleared a lot of content from their body, or looked after it well will have an easier time of it but they possibly have a lesser karmic debt to themselves as a result of being faithful guardians of their own vehicles.

Those who have abused their body a bit more might have a tougher time.My advice: persist and abide, grit your teeth and power on through as the rewards on the other side are quite simply beyond belief.

Also realise this is your healing time and, in this time, do what your body wants to do, eat when you are hungry without judgement, sleep when you are tired, drink when you are thirsty take a two-hour bath if that is what feels right, or lounge on the couch with the cats if that is what is arising for you.

Take a holiday from judgement of yourself for a month and just let the body heal and do its thing whatever that might be.

This is the fastest and easiest way through; get whatever therapies you normally get to strengthen the body, nourish the nervous systemand just allow yourself this time of a month or two to indulge whatever the body feels like.

Personally, now my body now just loves exercise; any format,any time, anywhere and the pleasure in feeling the body growing stronger and feeling healthier with itself is just pure enjoyment.

So, pay your own karmic debt to yourself by going through your own physical, mental and emotional memories and remember the word karma just means action, that is all, nothing more, nothing less.

After that, well immortality is ours if we just run this process every 10 years or so, and we find the right age range to yoyo back and forth between.

Personally, I feel I will keep this process playing from 25 to 40 for a few hundred years as that feels right to me for now.

To even talk about these possibilities seems a bit crazy I know.This isa new land we are bursting upon, so it is necessary to begin exploration of the territory so we are better prepared for the long-term implications of immortality.This is a whole book in itself but we proceed as always, one day at a time.

written by Adam Suzman

Water Lilly

Meet The Creator Of Our Vibrational Essences

  After 20 years of practicing homeopathy, Dr. Adam Suzman developed a deep commitment to alleviating human suffering. Drawing from his extensive background in Buddhist philosophy and advanced homeopathic practices, he created a powerful range of vibrational essences that address all aspects of the human experience.     After much success

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Immortality Reviews

Physically I no longer tire! Immortality is a powerful game changer! Immediately after starting the drops, I felt so open and available to people, instead of being a recluse and working constantly. There was a want and need to be more open with my emotions. Usually, I am behind my

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Water Lilly

Meet The Creator Of Our Vibrational Essences

  After 20 years of practicing homeopathy, Dr. Adam Suzman developed a deep commitment to alleviating human suffering. Drawing from his extensive background in Buddhist philosophy and advanced homeopathic practices, he created a powerful range of vibrational essences that address all aspects of the human experience.     After much success

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Immortality Reviews

Physically I no longer tire! Immortality is a powerful game changer! Immediately after starting the drops, I felt so open and available to people, instead of being a recluse and working constantly. There was a want and need to be more open with my emotions. Usually, I am behind my

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Water Lilly

Meet The Creator Of Our Vibrational Essences


Adam The FounderAfter 20 years of practicing homeopathy, Dr. Adam Suzman developed a deep commitment to alleviating human suffering. Drawing from his extensive background in Buddhist philosophy and advanced homeopathic practices, he created a powerful range of vibrational essences that address all aspects of the human experience.



After much success with his series of remedies under The Alchemical Trinity, (Liberation, Redemption and Blue Lotus) Adam ventured further into vibrational technology to bring the world Immortality range.


He spent years researching a technique to imprint the message from the immortal  jellyfish  (Turritopsis Dohrnii), which holds the secret to immortality, onto water.

After testing a tincture with the vibrational imprint of the immortal jellyfish, the results were astounding, fast acting, and quickly spread worldwide.

Countless testimonials show health improvements and many people started putting the tincture directly onto their skin with miraculous healing and regeneration effects.



Dr Adam Suzman then became involved with research on a groundbreaking molecule inspired by the immortal jellyfish (Turritopsis Dohrnii).

Turritopsin™( The Life Molecule™), mimics the effect of the regenerative action displayed by the immortal jellyfish, whose ability to regenerate the body at the cellular level is unprecedented.

All the ingredients are naturally and organically sourced and being vibrational. There is no harm to the jellyfish in any way. All products are safe for vegetarians and vegans as they contain no actual jellyfish in them.



Miracle Tooth and Immortal Hair are his latest innovations using a unique formulation of Turritopsin™ the Life Molecule™.


Miracle Tooth presents a brand new all natural solution that may help with nerve pain and sensitivity, gum regeneration, and whiter teeth. May provide fresher breath and incredible oral care.


Immortal Hair is his revolutionary hair product that combines the power of traditional Chinese medicine with cutting-edge science. It was created to combat hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.



Dr Adam Suzman, lives in Cape Town, South Africa. He conducts ongoing research and clinical trials into the different applications of the Life Molecule™, Turritopsin™.


He also creates innovative products aimed at reversing ageing and restore you to a younger healthier version of yourself.

Lotus Albastru un remediu vibrațional sacru

Timp de secole, floarea de lotus albastru s-a folosit în scopuri terapeutice, iar în Egiptul antic era socotită cea mai prețioasă plantă, fiind întrebuințată pe scară vastă, în pofida rarității sale.


În Egiptul antic, lotusul albastru era folosit pentru conectarea cu divinitatea, inducerea unor stări superioare de conștiință, visarea lucidă și pentru îmbunătătirea funcției chakrei celui de-al treilea ochi. Acest efect se datorează faptului că favorizează o stare de deschidere calmă și lejeră față de lume, față de experiențele umane în general.


Esența noastră vibrațională este obținută pe cale alchimică printr-un proces de amplificare a frecvenței esenței florii de Lotus Albastru, în apele izvoarelor roșii și albe de la Glastonbury. Aceste izvoare reprezintă unificarea principiului masculin și a celui feminin. Izvorul roșu este bogat în fier și izvorul alb este bogat în calciu, iar împreună alcătuiesc o totalitate, simbolizând unirea celor doi poli în interiorul nostru. Izvorul alb sacru de la Glastonbury, cunoscut și sub numele de Chalice Well (fântâna potirului), este cunoscut pentru proprietățile sale miraculoase.


Acolo se află locul unde a fost îngropat regele Arthur și unde s-a născut legenda insulei Avalon.


Legenda spune că sub munte trăiește un dragon care apără izvoarele.



  • este foarte util pentru persoanele care au probleme cu somnul;
  • benefic pentru persoanele care se confruntă cu stări de agitație și stres;
  • pentru cei care își doresc să fie mai calmi pe parcursul zilei;
  • poate contribui la îmbunătățirea clarității mentale și a percepției;
  • înalță conștiința și promovează conștientizarea sporită;
  • nu modifică percepția în niciun fel, ci chiar o ameliorează, întrucât ne ajută să privim lucrurile într-un mod mai relaxat.


Remediul vibrațional Lotus Albastru acționează asemenea unei atingeri mătăsoase asupra sistemului nervos. Are un efect calmant și relaxează sistemul nervos la un nivel profund, ceea ce ne permite să revenim la o interacțiune normală cu lumea, fără tensiuni în corp.


Acest elixir vibrațional alchimic este extrem de folositor atunci când se folosește împreună cu Liberation. El sprijină sistemul nervos în timpul procesului de dezvăluire și eliberare a emoțiilor împovărătoare pe care îl declanșează Liberation.


Astăzi avem plăcerea să vă oferim acest remediu alchimic divin!


Immortality Reviews


Physically I no longer tire!

Immortality is a powerful game changer! Immediately after starting the drops, I felt so open and available to people, instead of being a recluse and working constantly.

There was a want and need to be more open with my emotions. Usually, I am behind my laptop constantly creating and working, always too busy to do for myself meaning sitting and having coffee with a friend without a time limit.

I started to take time to do what I wanted, meaning engaging with attending other people’s courses instead of holding my own.

Always space holding and rarely allowing others to hold space for me. I also felt a huge unplugging from time. My ‘thinking’ started to change. I really started to embody the belief that time is infinite, cause it is! So if time is infinite there is no failure, right?

We always equate our successes by how long they took or by what age we made it…..whatever that means.

So you unplug from time and then there is an instant flow of possibilities and then you are more willing and open to aligning with that flow, no fear of failure, no fear of time. Quite a powerful concept. This shift alone will change EVERYTHING for you!

Physically I no longer tire. I am a spiritual entrepreneur so I am always creating, always working with energy which sometimes it’s exhausting but now I’m alive at 530am and ready for the world! And no longer fall into bed at 8 pm! I am only in the early stages of Immortality, all this that I share with you has happened in the space of a month. This is just the beginning!!!

Immortality will transmute those calcified parts of self that need a bigger push, so yes there is a purge that one needs to move through. It’s Divine balance. No different to any kind of detox, flush the toxins and then reap the benefits. What you must always remember when working with the drops is that if you do experience physical/emotional disturbances, this is something that is leaving you, not something that is happening to you.

I have recently moved through some density, the release of old modes of thinking and programming. Now I feel amazing, better than I’ve ever felt in years, and FYI most of the time I feel good! So take these drops and enjoy the gift of Immortality! Love it!

Marie Coveley  

This magical and beautiful alchemy has surprised me

The wonder and the glory of Immortality!

This magical and beautiful alchemy has surprised me each day with its healing power.

Not only has it fast-tracked to serious physical areas first, but it has also addressed them with care and has healed them gently. The blessing with this medicine is that it provides us with the gift of connection to life while it heals.

Water is one example – I’ve run my hands under a tap only to feel light running through my leg where I had just banged it. I also didn’t bruise or have swelling.

I have felt an acute and intense connection to life and species outside of my own. Trees are wondrous and a language I was fractionally tapped into is becoming a newer and clearer frequency while I work with the remedy.

Older physical wounds have been cleared and continue to be restored. A few examples are a stomach ulcer, several benign breast cysts, a cancerous scab on my face and arthritis – living in a modern world and for most of it, a western way has its way of sneaking up on us at middle age, and often we convert to plant or holistic healing too late, despite our spiritual quests for one love and peace and the rest.

On an aesthetic level, the jellyfish blesses us with natural face fillers and wrinkle removal. Today I noticed that half my grey hair is back to it’s natural color (and not wiry)!

Immortality starts working on the circulation immediately in a way that makes you want to move your body like you did when you were 15. Some cool memories crop up too and it’s nice to be at this point in life where we can take that memory to today and see the love in the journey from then to our wiser selves now – pat ourselves on our newer, younger and straighter backs at the blessing of receiving physical healing for the strife we may have had during that time or the wounds that may have occurred along the way.

Our relationship with time changes as we have the energy to accomplish several tasks and the concept of facing death for modern world illnesses is not one to consider anymore.

Immortality is magic. It has restored me with new life and the privilege of experiencing this alchemy and it’s healing is in itself wondrous – how it will change the way we live presents so very much to be explored and so many new possibilities to humankind.

Mastery Adam, I am humbled with this gift and truly excited for the world to experience it too. One love and thank you thank you, thank you



I’ve already noticed that my skins feel softer


I’ve been using Immortality the new remedy for a week now and it’s definitely working in amazing ways. I’ve already noticed that my skins feel softer and my facial wrinkles are disappearing. I also feel that a lot of aches and pains in my joints are much better. It’s deeply rejuvenating.

David Stein  

Within a day or 2 of taking Immortality


I  have been taking immortality for a few weeks now, and my life has transformed completely. Chalk and cheese. A few weeks ago during the lockdown, I was feeling depressed, the state of the world was getting the better of me, combined with hormonal changes and what felt like a chemistry breakdown in my brain, I was spiraling downward into some very dark places, taking in too much information and feeling the dystopia in the world very strongly.

I was also taking at least 3 SeroSyn (Metagenics feel-good medication) a day, trying to lift my mood and get me out of the slump I found myself in.

Within a day or 2 of taking Immortality, I was already feeling much better. My mood lifted almost immediately, my energy levels rose tremendously, maybe even a little too much to begin with, but once I found a focus for that energy, inspiration joined in and I was A for Away.

After a week, my cheeks felt flushed and pink and I was forgetting to take my feel-good medication. The next week, I forgot to take my Immortality bottle away with me, however still continued to feel it’s positive effects all week long. Now I’m nearing 3 weeks, I think (although I seem to be losing track of time now too) and my skin is glowing, feeling tighter and plumper, like it is getting its integrity back, even though there are still wrinkles, something has changed. I am happy and light and inspired, with times of pure joy just bubbling up for no reason.

I’m finding moments with my family so precious, feeling the poignancy of probably the last bits of time with my dear children before we move away and they start their adult lives for real. The world’s problems feel like they are more in perspective, but not part of my story anymore, like I have moved into another dimension of relating to what is going on out there. I feel like my own future belongs to me and that what I am needing is already done in some way, like life is taking care of things outside of the normal timeline. Time feels in abundance, I am getting much done, but also in a beautiful flow of its own, like I’m not being rushed, but things are wanting to be taken care of so that space is cleared and more room made for what wants to still manifest. Like less energy wants to be wasted in the past, and so tying up loose ends feels important and necessary. So many memories from the past, obscure memories, nice memories, not so nice memories, but all good to remember none the less.

Once again, this has been an amazing journey with these remedies, that are so powerful, I don’t understand how they work, how a jellyfish can hold such a precious gift and vibration, but I am blown away. I don’t feel afraid, I feel motivated to create something beautiful, I don’t feel confused, I feel like I know which side I’m on and I’m prepared to stand up. I feel sovereign, I feel alive, I feel well and full of potential. I am delighted to have been part of this trial and am excited to live in a world where everyone is taking this, so we can move on and start making the world anew. The time is NOW. Now is the time for Immortality, there is good work to be done and we need all the energy we can muster. Thank you for this gift of a medicine……what a joy to be part of this. Deep gratitude for this most magical of substances. Don’t delay, just try this, there’s certainly nothing to lose. Enjoy the ride!

Hayley Manson (creative arts facilitator, wife, mother, lover of life)– 

The experience of immortality on the physical level is sublime.


After finishing my first bottle of Immortality on Friday I have so much energy that I can barely channel it into words for this review, I just want to sit and marvel at how amazing EVERYTHING is. And it has been quite a journey.

Expect physical and mental aches and pains to the surface and be vanquished. I went through the lower back, shoulder, hip, and headache issues but the feeling of rejuvenating just keeps on pulsing. The experience of immortality on the physical level is sublime. A few years ago I had to have a basal cell carcinoma surgically scraped off my forehead, so I know that for me these things begin as a crusty patch of skin and slowly harden into small wart-like things that eventually start to bleed. There have been a few spots that come and go on my face and the crown of my head but I find that I can keep them suppressed and nearly gone with strong THC cream. Since I started with the Jellyfish three small spots on my face have disappeared completely and the more advanced ones on my crown seem to have reduced in size. I took a two-day break after my first bottle then yesterday had a dose in the afternoon.

Wow! Just flying on the wings of my choice, as if I was receiving all the really good and manageable parts of all the medicines I have ever taken. I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me next.

Steven Bartlo  

I feel like new born, full of life and new energy!


I have been taking Immortality for 14 days now!! They are nothing less than mind-blowing and exceed any of my expectations!!! I feel like a newborn, full of life and new energy!! All depression, anxiety, and panic attacks are gone! A new zest for life!! Need much less sleep. Feel more flexible and fit!! As a matter of fact, I feel like 25 and I am 59!!

My motivation and creativity are back!! My skin gets smoother by the day, deep wrinkles are softer and the skin feels tighter, too. From day one I got compliments on my fresh look… Little ailments are healing. My heart is wide open!! I am ready for a new life!!

This is absolutely groundbreaking and just the beginning of something very big!!!!! Not in my wildest dreams, I would have thought something like this is possible!! My deepest gratitude to Adam for this miracle he created!! You and your creations are such a big gift to this world!! I am excited for every person who is going to take it!!

Alex Christokat  

Now I feel amazing, better than I’ve ever felt in years


Immortality is a powerful game changer! Immediately after starting the drops, I felt so open and available to people, instead of being a recluse and working constantly. There was a want and need to be more open with my emotions. Usually, I am behind my laptop constantly creating and working, always too busy to do for myself meaning sitting and having coffee with a friend without a time limit.

I started to take time to do what I wanted, meaning engaging with attending other people’s courses instead of holding my own. Always space holding and rarely allowing others to hold space for me. I also felt a huge unplugging from time. My ‘thinking’ started to change. I really started to embody the belief that time is infinite, cause it is! So if time is infinite there is no failure, right? We always equate our successes by how long they took or by what age we made it…..whatever that means. So you unplug from time and then there is an instant flow of possibilities and then you are more willing and open to aligning with that flow, no fear of failure, no fear of time. Quite a powerful concept. This shift alone will change EVERYTHING for you!

Physically I no longer tire. I am a spiritual entrepreneur so I am always creating, always working with energy which sometimes it’s exhausting but now I’m alive at 530am and ready for the world! And no longer fall into bed at 8 pm! I am only in the early stages of Immortality, all this that I share with you has happened in the space of a month. This is just the beginning!!!

Immortality will transmute those calcified parts of self that need a bigger push, so yes there is a purge that one needs to move through. It’s Divine balance. No different to any kind of detox, flush the toxins and then reap the benefits. What you must always remember when working with the drops is that if you do experience physical/emotional disturbances, this is something that is leaving you, not something that is happening to you. I have recently moved through some density, the release of old modes of thinking and programming. Now I feel amazing, better than I’ve ever felt in years, and FYI most of the time I feel good! So take these drops and enjoy the gift of Immortality! Love it !

Marie Coveley  

Absolutely bloody amazing, the wrinkles on my face have all but disappeared

Absolutely bloody amazing, the wrinkles on my face have all but disappeared after three weeks the skin on my body has become soft like a child’s, my circulation has improved radically. The bald spot on my head is growing new hair, my hair is going from grey back to brown, and the energy, omg the energy I have not felt this alive since when I was 20 ( (am 51 now) and the focus also is just incredible I can work for hours without a break without even getting tired. Then there are my joints which are all become less sticky, i have greater mobility, all I want to do is exercise and when I do it is effortless, There have been a few physical aches and pains as my old cells kick out the memories from the past but I am definitely getting younger daily each day there is some new surprise that greats me when I wake up. I have been on it for a month and anyone who feels a need for more life force should definitely jump on this you will be laughing all the way home. It seems incredible and too good to be true but somehow the message from the immortal jellyfish conveys itself to us and we are able to actually become younger more vital and reclaim our youth Forget about a five-star rating this gets a fifty-star rating.

Adam Sunman  

I am astounded by the energetic efficacy of Immortality.


I have been a reverent participant in the journey of Liberation, Redemption, and Blue Lotus for a number of years; and now I stand truly astounded by the energetic efficacy of Immortality.

For the past two weeks, my life has changed dramatically; as if the essence is opening me up to receive a reality that I feel I have been working towards for a number of years. I am no longer encumbered by the fret of time, and feel totally at ease going at my own pace – whether warped speed or gentler – when and how I feel ready to engage with reality.

I have a history of trying varying modalities and methods to soothe existential malaise and dread, but have found nothing as powerful as Immortality to open up my channels of attunement with hope, courage, and tenacity – I feel deeply humbled to be a part of this journey into recalibrating the body and mind;

Immortality brings new meaning to the ascending nature of the soul to go beyond the limitations of the physical experience, and I am dedicated to being a part of the offering of this remedy for the world. –

Holly Bell Beaton  (Writer, Stylist and Sustainability Activist) 

Never have I experienced a product with such profound results!


I have been taking Immortality for 3 weeks now. For 25 years I have been acting editor for various natural health and wellbeing magazines and had the opportunity to review hundreds of health products.

Never have I experienced a product with such profound results in such a short time. In my personal experience, I have had the most incredible energy, literally boundless energy, I’ve had noticeably improved joint mobility and flexibility. My skin feels plumper and softer.

Strangely, I have experienced unusual dreams from periods in my past revealing memories of difficult times and yet in my dreams feeling those times differently – allowing me to reframe them. Some of the dreams are so deep they stay with me the entire day. Another peculiarity is that water tastes incredibly delicious and I am compelled to drink more. This is such a strange and intriguing journey – I feel like I am learning so much about the de-aging process in noticing my body moving differently, with more vigor. I am awed by the deep-reaching and formidable effects. On one or two occasions I felt too energized to sleep but once in bed, I seemed to fall asleep without too much trouble. I truly feel this remedy is the most groundbreaking remedy and I am so curious to see the long term effects.

Robyn Wilkinson, editor Holistica magazine, South Africa

I don’t want this feeling to end!

I’ve been using this remedy for just on two weeks now. My skin is noticeably softer to the point that even my partner has commented – he stroked my face last night and couldn’t believe the change and said that usually, my skin is so rough. My energy levels are noticeably different but also in the way that my mood is lighter And happier. I have so much more patience and capacity to relate to my youngest daughter, which is a marked difference. With more joy and inner exuberance, I am finding it so much easier to get through my daily tasks and activities. I don’t want this feeling to end!

Tiffany Stone  Cape Town, South Africa

I and others report waking up energized!


The creator of this latest in the stable of profound vibrational medicines is no one hit wonder. Just try his remedies then see what you think about alchemical homeopathy. Adam is a true mystic, guided and blessed, and you will know once you’ve taken them that you could try to take them recreationally, but they will very deftly put exactly what you need to have mirrored right in your face, and you will end up using them for what they are for which is the work of personal transformation required by anybody wanting to find holistic balance in these times of intensity.

This immortal jellyfish has a pure, simple, and potent energetic signature, felt easily in the body, accompanied by greater capacity physically, mentally, and emotionally, greater organizational skill and it gives pleasure in achieving the task easily. I and others report getting up energized and finishing all the dreary chores easily and quickly before starting a day full of energy.

I have a long term pain condition so I am not expecting miracle instant results but I am noticing a greater general mobility and easing of old tensions. I highly recommend this remedy. I would caution that you prepare a support person or therapist or friend that you can go to,  to share with and help process and support you through some of the things that might come up.

I’m experienced and can normally handle but I still have really needed and valued my group of friends with some issues that this brought up for me. It’s not all happy daze, you know? This may not be a lightweight remedy for you. It might bring up your stuff. But that’s okay. That’s good. Breathe, clear, purge. Feel how great you feel after you start to get used to what it feels like without the disturbance of that heaviness in your system! Don’t underestimate it. Use it wisely. Enjoy it.

It’s quite remarkable what Adam has been able to do with his proprietary advanced potentizing techniques. Guided by his affable passion and compassion. This stuff is legit.

Hugh Gogo  

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